Saturday, 19 April 2008

Polite notice to anyone who is reading.

Hi, I am writing to say that I have had NO comments for any of my blogs except ones I have posted. I would be greatful if SOMEONE would post to my blog. I write this as a kind notice to anyone who is reading this. IF anyone is reading it. Anyone can post, even annonoymus users If I think the comment is bad then I will delete it without further ado. I will always notify you if I have deleted a comment. Why it has been deleted and a message to say if you carry on posting like this, than I will not allow you to post again. You may be ABLE to post but not ALLOWED. The website will still LET you fil out the form and write a comment. But I will say you CAN'T. Remember to read the 'RULES FOR POSTING A COMMENT IN MY BlOG' blog entery first. Also read the Friday 18th April blog entery first. That will explain everything about disagreeing to the 'COMMENTING RULES' and what to do if you disagree twice. Thank-you very much for reading this Annepoes (Blog founder) XXXX

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