Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Rules for posting a comment to my blog.

Hi, Rules for posting comments: 1. No advertising ANYTHING 2. Do not be rude to any of the staff or rude in general. 3. No pretending to be someone eles. 4. Do not write persional stuff in the comments you post. You can write your name. But no adresses, email adresses, birthday's or any other persional stuff. For your own sake 5. Do not copy someone else's comment. 6. Be sure to sing in with YOUR account. Don't use someone elses unless they have told you to. 7. Don't pretend you are someone importent and use somone else's email and password to log in and say you have the right to log in beacuse you are emportent. 8. It is very unlikely that the queen or someone from the royal family would post to a blog. So don't go pretending you are someone from the royal family. Or a guard or anyone involved in the royal family. All these rules are not to be ignored. Shortend version 1.Don't pretend you are someone else 2. Don't be rude. 3. Use YOUR accont to sign in. 4. No advertising. 5.Don't copy. 6. Do not write persionall stuff. TTFN! Annepoes Link to cbox: XXX (((-: - :-)))
Great day for blogging! I am assuming that people are reading my blog. So far the only one who has read it has been me. I have had no comments except ones i have posted. I have only set up my blog today so I'll need time to get it in full swing. But it is going very well. Very tired after getting back at about 10 last night. Still not dong anything active just watching DVD'S. There are many things I will be posting in this blog. Places I have been. News I have heard. Lots. I will be posting as much as I can but I can't guarantee to posts every day. I do have afiew posting comment rules. 1. No advertising another brand or website. 2. No personal stuff... e.g Email... 3. No being rude about any of the staff or generally
Gotta Go

All about me

Hi, Welcome to my blog! I am annepoes and a BIG HP fan. I LOVE Chocolate, seafood and strange but true... I DO NOT like fish. Seafood yes, but NO fish. My hobbies are: Swimming Arts & Crfafts. I am 12 yrs old and I live with my Mum, Dad and (Annying!) Sister Ruth. I have only watched the first 3 of the HP films but wish to watch the rest. I now have a cbox! (It is basicly a chat box, no harm!) Go to to acess it. Don't worry if you are having trouble reading it... I am changing that. I am going on holiday on friday so I wan't ba around. But you can still post! I am also going to featherdown farms for a holiday. Dats to follow soon.(-: If you wish to contact me use the cbox![[Link Annepoes 12:40, 5 April 2008 (PDT) I am a brownie (Brown heir!) and blue eyes. If you need any help with the cbox I will post the general directions: You type in (Nick)name, URL (Homepage or site you reccomend!) Then you type in a comment. For smilies click on 'Smilies' at the bottem. If you need any more help post to the cbox. There is no other way to conatct me. Sorry.

Annepoes. XXX (((-: - :-)))