Friday, 25 April 2008

Hi, Following up to the 'PETS' descussion we had (Don't ask me when...) , well... I promised to send in a picture of my cat. I have many. But I will only upload 3. One is him when he is sleping, one is him when he is the 'HUNTER' and the other one is him sleeping with my Uncle Andy. He is a Black Tabby and about 1 1/2 Yrs. Old. He is very mischeverse and he goes upstairs onto the beds when he is not allowed to. For any further information then I will be happy to give. I don't know if we are supposed to have a descussion this week. So until I can find out, the 'PETS' descussion is still on until the end of the day when you can send in your last mineute submissions to recnt descussions. But only in the past weeks. Nothing over that. I HAVE atached pictures! Isen't he cute? He is not half that cute! Have a great rest of the weekend! Anna

Monday, 21 April 2008

Many of you Harry Potter lovers would have thaught Hermionie and Harry would get togeather But what do you feel about Harry and Ginny??? Are you sad that it was not Hermionie??? Or is Ginny OK??? And what about Hermionie and Ron??? Is it OK??? Well... If J.K intended for Ron to marry... then he can't exactly marry his own sister can he??? So... it was ither one of the other girls or Hermionie... Would you have preferred Harry and Hermionie and Ron and someone else??? Or Harry and Ginny and Ron and Hermionie???
And what about children???
Did you want them to have children???
So... you HP lovers! What is it to be... lets go and see! Harry&Ginny, Harry&Hermione, Ron&Hermione Ron&Someone else...

Sunday, 20 April 2008


Hi, Another week almost gone, I will inform you of next weeks topic, it is: pets. If you could have a pet who would it be??? Why??? Are dogs rely a man's best friend??? If you were older would you like a more calm pet??? Are THEY hearming the ENVIRONMENT??? Why do we need guide dogs??? This descussion is all about pets, pets we need and pets we just want as a pet. E.G. People need guide dogs, but don't NEED cats to HELP them. They just want them because they want a pet. Wich ones are cute and cuddely??? Wich ones arn't??? Are the cute and cuddely kittens we see in pictures rely as cute as we think they are??? Are big dogs rely big and scary??? You can sned in pictures of your pet, talk about your pet... and much more. If you could have any pet in the whole world, ONE and only ONE, what would it be??? I have a kitten/cat called JOEY. He is a black tabby. Pictures soon! (He is not as cute as he looks in the pictures, believe me!) Annepoes XXX

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Polite notice to anyone who is reading.

Hi, I am writing to say that I have had NO comments for any of my blogs except ones I have posted. I would be greatful if SOMEONE would post to my blog. I write this as a kind notice to anyone who is reading this. IF anyone is reading it. Anyone can post, even annonoymus users If I think the comment is bad then I will delete it without further ado. I will always notify you if I have deleted a comment. Why it has been deleted and a message to say if you carry on posting like this, than I will not allow you to post again. You may be ABLE to post but not ALLOWED. The website will still LET you fil out the form and write a comment. But I will say you CAN'T. Remember to read the 'RULES FOR POSTING A COMMENT IN MY BlOG' blog entery first. Also read the Friday 18th April blog entery first. That will explain everything about disagreeing to the 'COMMENTING RULES' and what to do if you disagree twice. Thank-you very much for reading this Annepoes (Blog founder) XXXX


Hi, . Mum and Dad have just been to IKEA to get some bookshelfs because they are doing an offer and Dad has just been building them and the house is a mess! The cleaner came to yesterday to! We are watching HP, (blogged about Emma Watson, Hermionie Granger!) Going to a party at 6, for a friends 50th, so might get home a bit late, I LOVE Emma Watson and Bonnie Wright as you can see in the pictures above. Fined more about them here and here. Comment to my blog if you like Emma Watson or Bonnie Wright.
I do not have there emails or adresses. I only have fansites. one is You can tell people you love Emma, for free! (Go to browse for celeberties by Alphebet. Click on 'D' for Daniel, 'R' for Rupert. You can also try other HARRY POTTER actors.(They DO NOT have bonnie!)) LOL! Gotta Go, TTFN! Annepoeos

Friday, 18 April 2008

Hi! Welcome to my bog! It is a blog were I will be posting were I have been... things I have heard... stuff I will send in... Lots of suff! You can write a comment but be sure to follow the 'COMMENTING RULES' first. If you disagree them you can post ONCE without using the rules to tell me what you disagree about. I will then relpy and if I think I need to change it then I will. If I don't think I need to change it I will not. I will then relpy. NO POSTING in the meantime. After my secod relpy then you HAVE (100X) TO USE THE RULES. I will be posting as much as I can. I will try to post every day. It will be interesting and each weak we will have a topic. Yoy can talk off topic as well. You can also post feedback. If you rely disagree with the rules, post to the CBOX your complaint. NO further posting will be allowed until it is fixed. And after that you must use the rules! MUST! If you want too fined more about me then go to the first blog I posted. It has a link to the CBOX and all about me. I have log-in's everywere. Such as I have a CBOX and a blog. You can reccoment a site to me and I will regester. NO paying sites thought or hearmful sies. And if there is premuim in blogger', unless it is free, I CANNOT upgraid. You can tell me a topic that you want me to post about, maybe it is someone's birthday. I will post at CHRISTMAS and EASTER etc... You can tell me but I canot guarentee I will post. If I find it hearmful I might not. LOL! AnnepoesXXXX

Anna's blog: Environmant

Anna's blog: Environmant This is all about the environmant and ways we can save it. Click here for more info! (Hope it works!) Annepoes XX

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Happy Birthday Emma!

As you all may know, It was Emma Watson's birthday on the 15, Happy Birthday Emma! have a birthday progect htat have pics, letters and stories from fans and much more! And have a video Emma produced for all her fans! It is a video saying thanks for her birthday messages. Find more info, Here and Here. It is to late to post to the birthday progect as her birthday was yesterday, but you can see it and maybe your submission will be in it if you posted. You can say 'Happy Birthday' to Emma in the comments section of Happy Birthday Emma, Anna XXX


I know it's a bit late.... but this weeks descussion is the ENVIRONMENT. You can write in and tell me the ways you are helping, sand in stuff and just talk about the environmant, maybe you are part of a groupe or club that helps preserve it! There are many questions, here are just some: Should they charge you for plastic bags??? How is pollution effecting the environment??? What can they do to help??? What is causing globel warming??? How is it affecting the weather???, yes there are lots. You can send your pictures as a link in your comment. Or the cbox. I normaly say that at the weekend is the day for sending in last mineute submissions to the topics that have past. But as we started this topic so late... this weekend is the ENVIRONMENT topic. But you can still send in submissions for other topics. (Not that we've had any...) Have a great day! Annepoes XX

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Rules for posting a comment to my blog.

Hi, Rules for posting comments: 1. No advertising ANYTHING 2. Do not be rude to any of the staff or rude in general. 3. No pretending to be someone eles. 4. Do not write persional stuff in the comments you post. You can write your name. But no adresses, email adresses, birthday's or any other persional stuff. For your own sake 5. Do not copy someone else's comment. 6. Be sure to sing in with YOUR account. Don't use someone elses unless they have told you to. 7. Don't pretend you are someone importent and use somone else's email and password to log in and say you have the right to log in beacuse you are emportent. 8. It is very unlikely that the queen or someone from the royal family would post to a blog. So don't go pretending you are someone from the royal family. Or a guard or anyone involved in the royal family. All these rules are not to be ignored. Shortend version 1.Don't pretend you are someone else 2. Don't be rude. 3. Use YOUR accont to sign in. 4. No advertising. 5.Don't copy. 6. Do not write persionall stuff. TTFN! Annepoes Link to cbox: XXX (((-: - :-)))
Great day for blogging! I am assuming that people are reading my blog. So far the only one who has read it has been me. I have had no comments except ones i have posted. I have only set up my blog today so I'll need time to get it in full swing. But it is going very well. Very tired after getting back at about 10 last night. Still not dong anything active just watching DVD'S. There are many things I will be posting in this blog. Places I have been. News I have heard. Lots. I will be posting as much as I can but I can't guarantee to posts every day. I do have afiew posting comment rules. 1. No advertising another brand or website. 2. No personal stuff... e.g Email... 3. No being rude about any of the staff or generally
Gotta Go

All about me

Hi, Welcome to my blog! I am annepoes and a BIG HP fan. I LOVE Chocolate, seafood and strange but true... I DO NOT like fish. Seafood yes, but NO fish. My hobbies are: Swimming Arts & Crfafts. I am 12 yrs old and I live with my Mum, Dad and (Annying!) Sister Ruth. I have only watched the first 3 of the HP films but wish to watch the rest. I now have a cbox! (It is basicly a chat box, no harm!) Go to to acess it. Don't worry if you are having trouble reading it... I am changing that. I am going on holiday on friday so I wan't ba around. But you can still post! I am also going to featherdown farms for a holiday. Dats to follow soon.(-: If you wish to contact me use the cbox![[Link Annepoes 12:40, 5 April 2008 (PDT) I am a brownie (Brown heir!) and blue eyes. If you need any help with the cbox I will post the general directions: You type in (Nick)name, URL (Homepage or site you reccomend!) Then you type in a comment. For smilies click on 'Smilies' at the bottem. If you need any more help post to the cbox. There is no other way to conatct me. Sorry.

Annepoes. XXX (((-: - :-)))