Thursday 17 April 2008


I know it's a bit late.... but this weeks descussion is the ENVIRONMENT. You can write in and tell me the ways you are helping, sand in stuff and just talk about the environmant, maybe you are part of a groupe or club that helps preserve it! There are many questions, here are just some: Should they charge you for plastic bags??? How is pollution effecting the environment??? What can they do to help??? What is causing globel warming??? How is it affecting the weather???, yes there are lots. You can send your pictures as a link in your comment. Or the cbox. I normaly say that at the weekend is the day for sending in last mineute submissions to the topics that have past. But as we started this topic so late... this weekend is the ENVIRONMENT topic. But you can still send in submissions for other topics. (Not that we've had any...) Have a great day! Annepoes XX

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